1. Who is part of NEXT-E?
The consortium consists of the E.ON Group companies (ZSE in Slovakia, E.ON Czech Republic, E.ON Hungary, E.ON Romania), MOL Group companies (represented with subsidiaries in all 6 participating countries), Hrvatska elektroprivreda in Croatia, PETROL (in Slovenia and Croatia), as well as Nissan and BMW.
2. Why did competitors decide to work together on the EV charger deployment project?

A coordinated approach in launching an EV charging network is much more beneficial in the market development stage. This unique partnership of four leading groups in the region will ensure long-distance infrastructure and non-discriminatory network for all EVs in all regions. Through this approach we can provide optimal charging point distribution, avoiding overlaps and connecting missing links, and at the same time ensuring interoperability. Through this initiative, we will mutually decrease deployment costs by joint procurement, dissemination, operational best practices, and synergies, including evaluation of innovative financial instruments.

3. You said that the NEXT-E project is coordinated with other similar EU projects, such as FAST-E or ULTRA-E. Many of project members overlap (E.ON, ZSE, BMW, etc.). Why didn’t you decide to run a one large project instead of separate initiatives?
The Next-E project was submitted under the cohesion countries envelope, where specific requirements and funding was provided accordingly. Different projects are being formulated constantly, including different countries, set of partners and suggested technologies – according to relevant needs at the time. These projects, however, are collaborating in different events and seminars. There are building on each other’s experiences and are all aiming for the same goal – which is to electrify Europe, thereby making it a cleaner and greener place to live in.
4. What is the total budget of this investment? How much will be covered by the European Commission?
The total budget of the NEXT-E project is EUR 22.17 million, out of which 85% will be covered by the European Commission through the Connecting Europe Facility. The total amount of the grant is EUR 18.84 million.
5. Where exactly will be the fast chargers installed? Will there be located in the cities or on the highways?
The charging stations will be installed along the so called TEN-T’s Core Corridors, the European main transport routes and highways of international importance. Our goal is to create a seamless electric charging network ensuring uninterrupted long-distance driving experience, avoiding the risk of missing critical charging spots on the travel map. Although there might be certain small variances, the primary localization target of the NEXT-E project are the main transport networks and corridors, not cities in particular. There are several other EU co-financed e-mobility projects focusing on cities though.
6. How many fast chargers and ultra chargers will be installed in each country?
In total, the NEXT-E project will deploy 222 fast chargers and 30 ultra chargers in 6 countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia and Romania.
More details (on request, as needed):

Fast Charger Romania Slovenia Croatia Czech Slovakia Hungary Total
Petrol   16 14       30
E.ON Ro 19           19
HEP     26       26
E.ON CZ       10     10
E.ON Hungary             0
E.ON ZSE         7   7
MOL 21 11 11 22 11 54 130
Total 40 27 51 32 18 54 222
Ultra Charger Romania Slovenia Croatia Czech Slovakia Hungary Total
Petrol   4 2       6
E.ON Ro             0
HEP     4       4
E.ON CZ       4     4
E.ON Hungary             0
E.ON ZSE         5   5
MOL   1 1 2 2 5 11
Total 0 5 7 6 7 5 30
7. When is the full deployment expected to be finished?
The full deployment of EV chargers is expected to be concluded by the end of 2020.
8. What is the schedule for the network launch? Will the EV chargers be launched one by one or altogether?
The consortium partners already began with the required preparations necessary for the deployment of the fast chargers and ultra chargers. The preparations and requirement might differ between the different countries and the different partners, and in accordance to internal, national and EU procedures and legislation.
9. How will be the payment arranged (postpaid/prepaid/monthly fee, etc.)? Will customers have to register to use the chargers?
Different payment possibilities will be evaluated and selected as part of the project, including ad-hoc payment, mobile and other consumer-oriented services (e.g. a remote/online support, mobility guarantee).
10. Will the payment terms be the same regardless of country?
Yes, the NEXT-E network will be non-discriminatory, which means that no roaming fees will be applicable for end users. The goal is to enable all consumers to charge and drive across the 6 countries.
11. Will there be any apps available for EV cars users to get the basic information on charging status, locations or costs?
Yes, there are already several e-mobility apps and platforms currently being used in countries of respective project partners. As a part of the project we will explore and design various alternatives in order to develop the most efficient, practical and easy-to-use solutions for EV users.
12. Will it be possible to travel with an EV from Western European countries, e.g. Germany, down to Croatia or Romania? Will there be sufficient density of charging points along the way to ensure EV charging?
Yes. As a part of the project, we will prepare a location strategy and describe the optimum charging network distribution across all six countries of the project. We will test the readiness and functionality of this initial charging network during our pilot operations, having distance optimization objective in mind as well. The final outcome of the NEXT-E and similar projects – Pan-Cohesion EV Rollout Plan – will then comprehensively outline the next steps for more detailed deployment initiatives across the region to support a mass-scale e-mobility expansion in the region.
13. How long will it take to charge with a fast charger and with an ultra charger?
The project will install fast chargers with a maximum charging power (output power) of 50 kW and ultra chargers with a charging power of 150-350 kW. The particular charging duration depends on many factors, e.g. battery size and maximum charging capacity of the battery, battery’s and outside weather temperature, customers’ preference to charge full battery (may take few hours) or only 30-80% of its capacity (may take 30+ minutes on the fast charger), etc. In general, fast charging enables drivers to conveniently recharge when making a break on long-distance trips. The duration time of FC is 150 km at about 20 min. In addition, drivers can access ultra-charging stations on main connecting highways and roads that enable recharging for 400-500 km in as little as 20 minutes.