The Budča location is a strategic point in central Slovakia, which interconnects the Western and Eastern parts of the Slovak Republic using the ultra-fast charging technology, offering 7-fold faster time of electric cars. Ultra-fast charging station enables charging of all types of electric cars through fast charging connectors. E-mobility development in Slovakia is one of ZSE priorities. Global services ware offered under the ZSE Drive brand.
“We have been involved in several projects within which stations are built not only in Slovakia but across the entire Europe. I see the NEXT-E as a key project in terms of its size, building the charging infrastructure in Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania,“ said Marian Rusko, member of the Board of Directors of ZSE.

The Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Ševčovič said: “Today, there are approx. 150,000 charging stations available to the public, however, according to our estimates, at least 800,000 will be needed by 2020. Electric cars market will expand increasingly and a dense, reliable network of high-speed charging stations is a key for customers‘ trust in low-emission and zero-emission vehicles.
I am therefore delighted by the projects such as this one by Západoslovenská energetika, which strive to follow innovative trends and co-determine them. It is also about long-term industrial competitiveness and future jobs, which is important to Slovakia as a global leader
in car manufacturing. The same motive is also behind the recently launched Slovak Battery Alliance.”
ZSE puts into operation the first ultra-fast charging station at the Slovnaft service station, Budča, R1 highway in Slovakia. It is the first charging station of this type not only in Slovakia but also within the countries Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Ševčovič said: “Today, there are approx. 150,000 charging stations available to the public, however, according to our estimates, at least 800,000 will be needed by 2020. Electric cars market will expand increasingly and a dense, reliable network of high-speed charging stations is a key for customers‘ trust in low-emission and zero-emission vehicles. I am therefore delighted by the projects such as this one by Západoslovenská energetika, which strive to follow innovative trends and co-determine them. It is also about long-term industrial competitiveness and future jobs, which is important to Slovakia as a global leader in car manufacturing. The same motive is also behind the recently launched Slovak Battery Alliance.”
“The MOL Group has the most available network of stations in the Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of our 2030 Strategy is to satisfy needs of people on roads and, along with good-quality fuels and gastro offer Fresh Corner, to expand e-mobility services. Thanks to the NEXT-E project, we are able to better meet the requirements of customers and expand our network with charging stations,” said Gabriel Szabó, General Director of Slovnaft.
“EC / DG MOVE have been strongly supporting innovative companies in Slovakia starting in 2013 with real-life trials to prepare market roll-outs of alternative fuel infrastructure. Many great achievements by Slovakian innovators happened. Today, the next milestone in Slovakia is set with the inauguration of the first NEXT-E ultra-charger in Budca.
Through the results of our most recent CEF Blending call 2017, many more such stations will be built in Slovakia, along our 9 TEN-T core network corridors across EU and for the benefit of all EU citizens. This success was achieved by innovators from non-cohesion and cohesion countries working closely together, encouraged and supported by the EC. We are at the forefront for deploying charging infrastructure, globally. But no time to rest, Europeans need to accelerate in roll-out of electric vehicles. Let‘s move ahead together!”, said Helmut Morsiho (DG Move).
“With the opening of this very innovative ultra fast charging station, first of its kind in the whole region, ZSE shows its commitment to sustainability and green mobility. EVBox is very proud to be part of this action and to help ZSE driving the change to E-mobility“, said Emmanuel OURRY, director of EVBox.
The NEXT-E project is an example of excellent cooperation of four leading groups in the area of electricity, oil and gas industry and car manufacturers. The companies of the E.ON Group (Západoslovenská energetika in Slovakia, E.ON Czech Republic, E.ON Hungary, E.ON Romania), companies of the MOL Group (represented by branches in all six participating countries), Hrvatska elektroprivreda in Croatia, PETROL (in Slovenia and Croatia) and Nissan a BMW are involved in the project.
The European Commission has supported the NEXT-E project by providing a grant of EUR 18.84m for charging stations infrastructure development in Central and Eastern Europe. The grant has been awarded within the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility). The aim of the project is to build a network of charging stations with full interoperability across European countries, and connecting Cohesion countries to Western Europe. The charging stations are planned to be built by the end of 2020.

Ultra Fast Charger Grand Opening Event
Slovakia – Budča 11 2018